Admissions Policy
This document outlines the policy for allocating places to Young People within the three sections. It has evolved over many years and has been agreed by the 3rd Lymm Scout Executive Committee.
Admission to any section within the Group is at the discretion of the Group Scout Leader (GSL) and our policy is to try to balance the criteria given below, and offer places that will maximise the benefits both to those joining the Group and existing members.
3rd Lymm is a parent run group - this means that aside from a few volunteers providing specialist skills, everything else is run and supported by parents. This only works when everyone plays their part, therefore spaces are only offered on the understanding that this support will be given freely. All scout sections programmes, activities and camps are run and supported by parents. Fundraising is run and supported by parents. The building and grounds are run and supported by parents
The 3rd Lymm Scout Group has more young people wishing to join than places available, especially Beaver age children. To manage this we have a Waiting List.
The waiting list is maintained by 3rd Lymm Scouts Group. It is the parents’ responsibility to register their child on the waiting list by emailing Verbal requests to any group leader or committee member are not acceptable. Parents’ must take responsibility for ensuring that contact details are up to date. Parents will be contacted as spaces become available and their child reaches the appropriate age. Children will only be considered for a place in a section if they are more than 12 months younger than the leaving age of that section otherwise they will be considered for the next section up. (Beavers 6-8yrs, Cubs 8-10.5yrs, Scouts 10.5-14yrs)
Over subscription
When the number of children on the waiting list exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in this order and this relates to all sections:
Moving up from one section to another. This will happen automatically as places allow after as child reaches the appropriate age as numbers allows.
Places will be given to a child if the parent is, or becomes a uniformed Leader and is prepared to undergo training.
Role descriptors can be found at
Places will be given to a child if a parent is, or will hold the position of Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary of the 3rd Lymm Group Scout Executive.
Places will be given to siblings of existing children in the group, however they do need to be on the waiting list as early as possible to aid planning.
Where a local troop closes, either in its entirety or just a section, we will endeavour to accommodate the members – adult and young persons.
Places will be given to those on a ‘first on the waiting list’ basis but with the following proviso:
Children should reside in the Parish of Lymm. Admissions will also be considered from within 10 miles of Lymm, subject to availability.
Young people who move into the area who are already invested into the Scout movement will be offered places wherever possible, regardless of the waiting list.
Local troops where Sections are active may not transfer to 3rd Lymm unless spaces are available and then at the discretion of the GSL.
Leaving the Group
If a parent wishes to withdraw their child from 3rd Lymm Scout Group they should write to the appropriate section leader to confirm this decision. Any payments taken for that term will be forfeited.
If a child does not attend their group for 6 weeks without notifying the section leader, their place may be offered to another young person on the waiting list.
Equality of Opportunity
Our group is open to all young people, in line with the Scout Association’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
To support young people with special needs admission will be subject to a Needs Assessment to ensure that we are able to meet all needs. This will be conducted at the discretion of the Group Scout Leader and Section Leaders and in negotiation with the young person’s parents or carers. Places may be subject to the provision of additional adult supervision and on the basis of a trial period.
If a parent wishes to appeal this policy they are invited to make a representation in writing to the GSL and if unsuccessful, the 3rd Lymm Scout Executive Committee where a final decision will be made.
Last reviewed July 2021